Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Fam

I know its been awhile since my last post Im very sorry to all my followers. But its been very hard to find the time to post my newest events. This event i could not pass up on posting, Lucie and I are having a baby!!!!! If its a girl we are going to name her Lucie like her mother and if it is a boy we are going to name him Alexander after his grandfather Dr. Manette. Everything is well hope to hear from the Defarges soon;) haha there still mad about the whole skipping out on my death sentence thing.

My Dear Friend Sydney

After i was put in prison for the actions of my family killing and raping a women. I was sentenced to die by the blade infront a crowd of those who love me and those who hate me just for my family. Like i have written in my earlier post i wish i was never apart of that family it haunts me everyday of what they have done to others. But my friend Sydney Carton for reasons of loving my wife took my place at the blade without anyone else knowing allowing me and Lucie to run away together. I thank him with all my heart and will see him in the next life.

My Uncle

My Uncle Marquis St. Evremonde ran over a young boy today in his carriage killing him. He tried to make it up to the father by giving him a coin which is just like my Uncle no soul and thinks money can solve everything Im glad i choose to distance myself from that part of my family and become my own man in England. I wish everyday i was born to a differant family and after the father of the boy hunted him down and killed my Uncle ( Which Im glad he did). His death unfortunatly made me the new Marquis which puts a huge target on my back.

Trial Status

I have been acquited of all charges! I was put on trial recently on charges of treason because a man said he saw me on a boat giving letters to English athorities. which is absolutely ridiculous i love England but i would never betray the country i was born in and have family in. It would be crazy of me to do so. But thanks to my great attorney and his assistent Sydney Carton, he showed the jury that me and him look so much a like so it could have been a man that looked like me and not me at all. Stupid reign of terror all they want to do is chop off a mans head every chance they get.